Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Hardwood Flooring Whitby Ajax Oshawa

Saturday, December 6, 2008
Antiqued Wide Plank Flooring

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Barrie Area Hardwood Flooring Company

Both of these jobs were done in Barrie Ontario. To speak with the hardwood flooring contractors call 705-322-9919 and ask for Lawrence or speak to Jamie Elliott at 705-487 5353.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wide Plank Flooring Toronto
Wide Plank Flooring Suppliers in Toronto

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dehumidification Kilns.
These kilns use heat and a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the lumber. It takes a few days to take White Pine down to 6%, and can take up to 3 weeks for some hardwoods.

The wood is always dried before being turned into flooring. Drying makes the lumber much more stable and any cracking or twisting will ocurr during the drying phase. When the lumber has "Done its Thing", we then plane it so that it is flat and true it so that it is straight.
Stickering is basically re-stacking with small spacers to allow the air to flow through the lumber. It really has to be done by hand.
These fans circulate the kiln's

This unit is the dehumidifier--it simply extr

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Planing Wide Plank Hardwood Flooring

This is a 10 HP Three Phase Planer. I am not sure how old it is exactly, but she has history.
This 3500 lb machine lived at the Collingwood Shipyards for the first 35 or so years of it's life, and Merv bought it at auction.
It originally had an 8 hp, 500 Volt motor. If he tried to run it with that motor every home within 2 miles would have their lights dim for a second when it started.
This is the kind of wood planer that will remove 1/4" of material a pass and do it smooth, quickly and without slowing down. This is no handyman machine... it was designed for constant duty.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Relief Cuts - What are they for?

These small cuts out of the bottom of flooring actually have 2 purposes.
Firstly it breaks the tension that causes wood to cup. (Cupping is when the board becomes curved across the width of the flooring).
Secondly it cuts the surface area that contacts the sub-floor. If the boards were flat on the bottom they would likely have more creaks and pivot points. Small bits of sawdust, grit or sand may cause the flooring to pivot or not sit flat after if the relief cuts did not exist. Cutting the surface area down increases the pressure on the contact points--enabling more solid connection.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
White Oak and White Cedar Shingles

Many people don't realize that shingles were made from numerous species of wood over the centuries with varying results.
White oak, black locust, honey locust, redwood, cedar, rock elm, yellow poplar and osage orange for examples.
Here in Ontario we traditionally had plenty of White Oak so many historical buildings originally had them.

This is an old school mill with Merv posing beside it. Merv has actually devised a way to do the shingles on his band saw mill. Many have tried... few have had success but he has made it work.
Where Red Cedar may last 20-40 years depending on the grade and who installed them, White Oak shingles may well last twice as long.
White Oak Shingles are difficult to source. They are available now from Colling-Wood Flooring mill starting at $410.00 USD per square. (FOB Collingwood Ontario).

Merv also has a supply of White Cedar to make shingles from. These start at $200.00 per square and again, it depends on the grade. We can custom mill longer, thicker or to just about any specification. Turnaround time is 6 weeks for most orders, so please book ahead.
Most people don't realize that White Oak Shakes or Shingles have a life expectancy of 125 years and obviously they are a renewable and Green Alternative to Asphalt and most other types of roofing.
The other issue is fire protection in places like California. These shingles can be chemically treated to resist fire as well.
Call Merv Directly at (705) 445-1147 for more information about shingles.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Best way to heat a Woodwork Shop
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Is Engineered Wood Flooring Durable?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Is Click Flooring Hardwood?
Here's a hint.
You cannot buy hardwood flooring for $1 a square foot.

You can likely buy 1/4" mahogany plywood... come to think of it, that is pretty similar to click flooring... but you don't have a million little gaps between the pieces. At least it comes in full sheets.
Click flooring is an architectural product that is designed for maximum coverage with minimum materials. There is typ

Don't use click flooring in damp conditions or high traffic areas--it will not last. Click Flooring is at best, a temporary fix for a cheap reno, rental appartment or until you can afford proper flooring.
You cannot re-finish click flooring.
Unless you like the look of raw MDF you simply tear it out... and put it in the bin.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Pine Flooring Mill Operating in Collingwood

Obviously making pine flooring on a log mill is not a DIY activity. My uncle tells a story about a guy in Huntsville l osing an arm at a sawmill...right at the shoulder. He adds horrible comments about the blood and the tourniquet and the pick-up truck ride to the hospital.

This may look like a simple machine, and a simple thing to do however, to get a product out of something like this that is actually good enough to use takes some working out. Merv has rebuilt and reworked this machine to do what he needs it to do. And lets not forget about that under-rated thing called Experience.
Monday, September 22, 2008
About our Pine Flooring

Our Pine flooring is all mill run,which means there will be knots as well as some clear boards. We produce widths from 4"-16" wide so that more of the tree is used. The waste heats our shop using a wood fired hot water boiler.
The lengths of our floors will be from 8'-16' long--rather than hundreds of 2' pieces like some of the boxed flooring you find.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Why do we need to dry flooring?
Trees expand as they absorb moisture, and shrink as the moisture leaves. They do this primarily through the end grains. Every type of wood expands and contracts at a different rate.
If a tree is milled into lumber and air dried for a few years it may get down to about 13%. When first milled the moisture content can be as much as 55%. We take it down to 6% because we have found that to make the most stable floor. This is the same moisture content that we use for furniture.

In this photo the wood was put down wet, and it was full width ship-lap boards. No, we didn't make this floor, it is likely about 120 years old. I'd love to see if anyone can guess what type of wood it is made of. It is the only one I've ever seen.

This floor was typical 5" tongue and groove pine flooring available at any lumber yard. It is often leftover of lifts from different mills, not straight and rarely ever less than 8% moisture content. We mixed the stain to create a pleasing color.

This wide plank pine flooring was dried, milled and installed by us. I am sure you can see the difference in the size of the cracks. This is a 3 year old floor made of pine just like the last one.
You may find pine flooring "cheaper" however it may be air dryed. So once you lay the floor after some time it will shrink. So don't be careful when you find deals on cheap pine flooring.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Welcome to A Small Flooring Mill blog.

Welcome to our Flooring Mill Blog. My name is Merv and Lisa is the one editing this blog with me. The purpose of this website is to share information about hardwood and softwood flooring with people searching for information. We want to inspire homeowners to choose the right materials, do it yourselfers to build better and help professionals to hone their skills , and maybe sell a little more flooring from our mill in the process.
Our flooring mill is a wholesale operation, however we may sell small lots directly to contractors in some cases.
Stay tuned for photos of our operation here near Collingwood Ontario. We will show you how we do our job, our unique equipment and methods as well. BTW, we have shipped flooring as far away as Texas and Alberta.
Merv Gardner