Nothing looks better beneath a Christmas Tree than Real Wood Flooring.
The client wanted a rustic wide plank wood floor and an instantly old look so we gave pine the run down with 18 grit paper which gave it a scratchy surface. We gave it a rough scrape with 40 grit on the drum sander to even things out a bit. A light sand with the buffer to make it feel more smooth without taking out the slightly rough finish and this Wide Plank Pine floor was ready for stain. (photo) Wide Plank Pine Barrie On.
We mixed high quality tints by hand to produce this exotic, South American Hardwood looking custom colour. Then gave it 3 coats of a high end verathane.
Most people don't realize that we can put down high quality wide plank flooring of any species and give it nearly any colour tint we want. Some species absorb the finish better than others. Every type of wood has subtle differences in grain and colouration. You could use the same color stain on 5 different types of wood with entirely different appearances.
This Beech Flooring has beautiful tone differences between sap and heartwood and has a natural color applied--however there is nothing stopping you from giving it a deep red tone to make it look much like tiger wood.
. (photo) Strip Beech Flooring Barrie On.Both of these jobs were done in Barrie Ontario. To speak with the hardwood flooring contractors call 705-322-9919 and ask for Lawrence or speak to Jamie Elliott at 705-487 5353.