Making Flooring in 2 Steps

Step 2, the lumber is fed into the shaper. This is trick. I haven't showed you the machine because Merv designed it and built it to work the way he likes it. This machine trues the wood (takes the crown out), trims it to width, then does the back cuts, shapes both sides and does all this in a single pass.
Out comes perfect flooring!

Hi there. How do you finish the ends of the flooring? When you buy prefab floors they have tongue and groove on the ends as well.
The typical 16" prefinished hardwood scraps need finishing in the ends, however when working with larger pieces that are pinned in numerous places--not to mention dried to 6 percent moisture content, there is simply no movement to warrant finishing the ends. You can always biscuit join the ends if you want to be picky! (and you have time to burn)
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